Create your own country and community

Sourled | Huginn


Short about: Bit.Country

Bit Country is a world established to provide both professional and entertainment-oriented service to its members. In this world, in 3D supported Bit Countries, users manage their assets in SimCity game style. In this fully interactive system, users can also interact with each other and explore each other’s countries. In this way, they can both manage their assets and have fun with other users in a game mood.

Users can purchase slots through auctions held on Continuum. Currencies are also listed on the DEX.

Users will be able to build their blocks on the slots they own as they wish. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to visit each other’s blocks. They will also be able to become residents in other Bit Countries and win various rewards.

The assets owned will begin to be processed on the stock market in accordance with their value, and users will earn country tokens through various methods. At the same time, other opportunities such as NFT swaps will be possible.

BitCounty will work with the Substrate infrastructure, so BitCountry will be a constantly functioning interactive system. Substrate’s blockchain solutions will make BitCountry more powerful. In this way, BitCountry will be able to integrate into Polkadot.

In addition to all these, users will have the opportunity to manage their assets in BitCountry in the most professional way through the Substrate Runtime Developer Academy, of which BitCountry is a founding member.

BitCountry, which offers both the opportunity to manage assets professionally and a game experience that provides interactive and user-to-user interaction in 3D, awaits its users with its decentralized structure and the motto of always giving priority to the community.

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